Monday's child

Monday's child
Monday’s child is fair of face
Tuesday’s child is full of grace
Wednesday’s child is full of woe
Thursday’s child has far to go
Friday’s child is loving and giving
Saturday’s child works hard for a living
But the child who was born on Sunday
Will just watch television all day.
When were you born ?

	Saturday 		0	
	Sunday 			1	
	Monday 			2	
	Tuesday 		3	
	Wednesday 		4	
	Thursday 		5	
	Friday 			6	
Calculate what day were you born.

Write your date of birth, e.g.					April 1st		1989

Take the last two digits of the year							89
Divide by 4 (ignore the remainder if any)						22

Add these two numbers				   	 	 89 + 22  =	  	111
Add the date of the day				    		 111 + 1  =	  	112

Add the number given for the year in the table bellow		 112 + 0  =	  	112
Add the number given for the month in the table bellow		 

Watch out for leap years !					112 + 0  =	  	112

Divide by seven and keep the remainder				112 / 7  = 16     Remainder=0

The remainder gives the day of the week as indicated in the table above :         Saturday

The year

For any year beginning with 20 add 6
For any year beginning with 18 add 2
The month (Normal years)
January 1	May 2		September 6
February 4	June 5		October 1
March 4		July 0		November 4
April 0		August 3	December 6
On leap years use this table for the month

January 0	March 4	     May 2	July 0		September 6	November 4
February 3	April 0	     June 5	August 3	October 1	December 6