Old Noah’s Ark

Old Noah once built an Ark
And patched it up with hickory bark
He anchored it into a big rock
And then he began to load his stock :

The animals went one by one
The elephant chewing a carroway bun
The animals went two by two
The crocodile and the kangaroo
The animals went three by three
The tall giraffe and the tiny flea
The animals went four by four
The hippopotamus stuck in the door
The animals went five by five
The bees mistook the bear for a hive
The animals went six by six
The monkey was up to his usual tricks
The animals went seven by seven
Said the ant to the elephant :”Who’re ye show’n ?”
The animals went eight by eight
Some where early and some were late
The animals went nine by nine
They all formed fours and marched in line
The animals went ten by ten
If you want more, say it again.
